
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 8 PM.  All board members were present.  Also present were representatives from Superior Silica Sands and Midwest Frac, attorney Terry Dunst, town patrol operator Jason Bruder, and several residents.

Minutes of the August meeting were presented.  Motion to approve by Degerman/Hoff.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Nelson gave a financial update.  Motion to accept by Degerman/Nelson.  Motion carried.

Jason Bruder, town patrol operator, gave an update on his current road maintenance, discussing repair work being done on the grader.  He also reviewed recent highway repair he has done and which is on-going.  No action was taken.

Jim Walker and Rick Shearer from Superior Silica Sands gave information on their operation, both at the Clinton drying plant and plans for the wet plant site in Arland.  Jim gave an update on the operation at Poskin, noting that most work should be completed in 2-3 weeks, with processing slated to begin by November 15th.  They have been interviewing and hiring several individuals from the local area for the drying plant and are working with a local trucking firm.

The Developers Agreement between Superior Silica Sands and Town of Arland was presented for discussion.  Terry Dunst, attorney for Town of Arland, was present to answer questions on the proposed agreement.  He noted that a public hearing would be required upon the approval of the developers agreement and the acceptance of Superior’s application.  Mr. Dunst pointed out the fact that the developers agreement would allow SSS to begin preparing the site for the wet plant.  Some questions were raised on the hours allowed for trucking.  After further discussion, a motion was made by Robert Nelson, second by Dale Degerman, to accept the Developers Agreement presented by Superior Silica Sands.  Motion carried.  The original document was signed by Chairman Hoff, with an attest by Clerk Fall and notarized by Atty. Dunst.  The original will be kept by the Town of Arland, and copies will be provided to Superior Silica Sands and property owners.

Further discussion followed on holding the public hearing.  The acceptance of the application was noted and the board determined the required 15 days wait would allow the hearing to be scheduled on September 27, 2012.  Postings in three places will be required and letters sent to all adjoining property owners, noticing the hearing.

Consideration for hiring the Cedar Corporation as a consultant in reviewing the application was brought before the Board.  Discussion followed.  There was no support for hiring the firm.  Discussion ended.  No action was taken.

Matt Torgerson from Midwest Frac gave an update on his current operation.  He reported that the operation was moving along well.  He reminded the Board that a tour for anyone interested would be welcomed.

Public Comment:  No items were presented.

Bills were presented and reviewed.  Motion to approve by Hoff/Degerman.  Motion carried.

Next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 11, 2012 at 8 PM at the town hall.

Adjournment by Hoff/Nelson.  Carried.

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)

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