The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff with all board members present. Minutes of the July 13, 2021 meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve was made by Brad Wolf second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s update was given by Jodene Nelson. She noted a current general checking account balance of $506,707.14. Motion was made to accept y Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf, motion carried. Jodene discussed the options sail le for sending out tax statements. Discussion followed. Motion was made by Maynard Hoff, second by Brad Wolf to continue with the Master’s Touch service, with a cost of $250.00 which will not combine our statements with other municipalities. Motion carried
Duana Bremer from the Salvation Army, was present to give the board an update on the work being done at the Family House, located on 12th St. This property is being renovated for housing homeless and people in transition. The units are being prepared for up to 34 occupants. Initial work is being done on the nursing home building, but renovation will be done on the house in the future. Currently, 7 -people are still residing at the facility, but the Salvation Army is attempting to find other living accommodations. Most of the rooms need complete repair and renovation. They are currently interviewing for staff. Churches and Community groups will be supporting this effort, by bringing in food and sponsoring the rooms through donations. Bus transportation for kids to school will be provided through communication with the school districts. They will look for retired teachers for additional tutoring of any children loving at the Family House.
The Board had a long discussion with Duana on this program and property and had many questions answered. The Salvation Army has asked for a statement from the Town of Arland Board, recognizing the work being done the Family House. Motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards to offer the following statement: Town of Arland understands that the Salvation Army is providing the service to the community for emergency and transition housing…Motion was approved.
Duana will continue to keep the Town updated at future meetings, or may be contacted personally with any questions.
Phil Hoff gave an update on Highway maintenance. He also presented information on replacement of the service door on the shop. More information will be presented at the next meeting. Phil has ordered a new sign for the shop.
Board considered the current use of ATVs on town of Arland roads. Discussion followed. motion was made by Chuck Richards second by Brad Wolf to allow travel on all town roads. Town of Arland will not be responsible for signing. Motion carried.
Fence repair was discussed again as it pertains to the fence line between Prinsens and Jacksons property. Chuck reported that he had contacted Amundson Service regarding the fence repair. They viewed the fence line. Motion was made by Maynard Hoff, second by Brad Wolf to offer the work to Amundson Service at their quote of $2,475.00 Motion carried.
No public comment
Bills were presented to the Board. Discussion followed. Board agreed to complete the Synergy Contract for prepay fuel as well as the payment to Superior Silica Sands, LLC for tax refund. Motion to approve all for payment was made by Brad Wolf second by Maynard Hoff. Motion carried
Next meeting was set for Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 6:30 PM
Motion was made by Chuck Richards to adjourn, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried.
Pamela Y Fall, Clerk