The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff, with all board members present onThursday, July 11, 2019 at 7:00 PM.
Minutes of the previous meeting were present by Clerk Fall, followed by a motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried.
Treasurer, Jodene Nelson gave the financial update. Current working account balance is $418,363.81, which includes a transfer from a maturing CD of approximately $200,000. Approximate value of Cs is $413,000. Motion accept report wa made by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson. Motion carried.
Phil Hoff gave the highway and equipment update. He discussed the road work and repair caused by high water and storm damage. He also note the repairs needed to fences on 6 1/2 ave following logging.
Steve Nelson gave a brief update on Superior Silica Sands operation.
No public comment.
Bills were presented for review. Discussion followed. Motion by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson to approve all as presented. Motion carried.
Next meeting was set for Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 7:00 PM.
Motion by Brad, second by Maynard to adjourn. Motion carried.
Pamela Y Fall, Clerk