The Board of the Town of Arland met in regular session on Monday, Oct. 6, 2014. Chairman Maynard Hoff called the meeting to order with all board members present as well as several members of the community and guests. Clerk Fall presented the minutes of the September 2014 meeting. Motion to approve by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson. Motion carried. Treasurer’s update was also presented by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve by Wolf, second by Hoff. Motion carried.
The highway maintenance report was led by Phil Hoff…noting that the town now owns a used pickup truck for town work. The purchase price was $11,872.00 plus licensing. The signage was also done. Phil discussed shouldering and patching which he had done. He suggested the board consider a “ride-around” to check road work needed. Phil also mentioned that Focus on Energy will be doing an evaluation. Other discussion was given to repairs or upgrade to the town shop, with specific thoughts about window replacement. More discussion will take place at the budget hearing and planning for 2015. Consideration to purchasing gravel, possibly from Todd’s Ready Mix. He also reported he completion of work on 8th St. & 10th Ave.
Sharon gave an update from Superior Silica Sands. She noted the work being done at all plants in the township. They are still hopeful for an early November completion of the new dry plant. She discussed the road plan for 8th Ave. They intend to replace the concrete on 7th St. Discussion was given to a speed limit on 7th St. – should stay at 35 MPH.
Andy Langman discussed work at the dry plant. They are happy with the development. Chase discussed the safety (MSHA) training meetings that are planned to be held at the Town of Arland hall over the next several days.
Next meeting is scheduled for November 11th at 8 PM – which will also include the budget hearing and levy setting meetings.
Bills were presented for payment. Motion to approve for payment by Hoff, second by Wolf. Motion carried.
Public comment – Charlie Richards asked about consideration for changing the stop sign on 8-1/2 – 8th. Discussion followed.
Reminder of November 2nd election. Polls open 7 AM – 8 PM.
No correspondence.
Motion to adjourn by Nelson, second by Wolf. Motion carried.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval)