The regular meeting of the board of the Town of Arland was called to order on Thursday, September 8, 2011 at 8 PM. All board members were present, along with Patrol Operator Jason Bruder and several residents.
Clerk Fall presented the minutes of the August meeting. Motion by Degerman/Nelson to approve. Motion carried. Treasurer Jodene Nelson presented the financial report. Motion to accept by Nelson/Hoff. Motion carried. She pointed out that a CD is now maturing at Sterling Bank. After reviewing the rates and consideration for reinvesting, a motion was made by Nelson/Degerman to redeem the CD and deposit into general checking account. Motion carried.
Jason gave a highway maintenance report. Also discussed the need for replacement of truck tires. He will get quotes. No action taken. Request that Jason look at electrical issues in the kitchen area, and repair if possible. He was authorized to contact Mike Broten if he needs help on it.
Maynard announced that the Pro Core representative was not available, but may be interested in attending the October meeting, if available.
Chairman Hoff presented the attorney’s opinion on conflict of interest. Terry Dunst, from Bakke-Norman, had prepared a formal opinion. Members of the public were allowed to view it after a motion by Hoff/Degerman requesting that it be considered public record. Motion carried. Discussion followed. Motion by Degerman/Nelson that future legal counsel be contracted with Mr. Dunst and the Bakke-Norman firm as necessary. Motion carried.
No public comment.
Clerk informed board and residents of an insurance claim by Richard Johnson, due to a rock through his car window. This was the result of an incident while Jason was mowing grass near Saputo. More information will be presented as available.
Bills were presented for payment. Motion by Nelson/Degerman to approve. Motion carried.
Chairman Hoff announced that the board would go into closed session pursuant to WI statutes Section 9.85 (1) (c) for the purpose of considering employment, compensation or performance date. Motion to include board, treasurer, clerk, and Jason Bruder. Voice vote in favor by Hoff, Degerman, and Nelson.
Motion to return to open session by Nelson/Hoff. Motion carried. Motion to approve the employment contract for 2011-2012 for Jason Bruder by Nelson/Degerman. Motion carried.
Next meeting was set for October 6, 2011 at 8 PM. Meeting was adjourned.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval)