
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff, with all board members present.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall, followed by a motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.  Treasurer, Jodene Nelson gave the financial update, followed by a motion to accept by Maynard Hoff, second by Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.  Board reviewed the CDs that were approaching maturity at Sterling Bank by end of June.  Recommendation was to reinvest $300,000 at 1 yr term, and $200,000 at 6 mth term.

Doug Nasja from Total Excavating was present to discuss the work they are doing for Superior Silica Sands at the Church Road Mine.  Phil Hoff discussed current crack sealing quotes from Fahrner and project currently planned.  Motion by Brad Wolf and second by Robert Nelson approve recommended work. Motion carried.

Discussion was given on bids presented from Monarch Paving for the asphalt for the TRIP program on 11st St.  Motion was made by Brad Wolf to accept Monarch’s bid at $49.00/ton.  Second was made by Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.

Superior Silica Sands report was given by Sharon Masek, noting work being done and night hauling schedule.  There is a continued issue with train availability.

Bills were presented for payment.  Motion to approve all for payment by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.

No public comment was given.

Update on Board of Review – noting no complaints were filed.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 7:00 PM.

No further correspondence.

Motion to adjourn by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk