2003-Mar.12, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff, on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 6:30 PM.  All board members were present.  The financial audit was conducted and signed by the board members that did the audit.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  Motion was made by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf to approve.  Motion carried.

Treasurer, Jodene Nelson presented the financial update.  Motion was made to accept the report by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.

The fence dispute between the Jackson property and Siebert/Prinsen property was brought before the board.  Discussion followed regarding the course of action that should be taken to repair the fence and the responsibility of doing so.  Enid Jackson was present to offer more information.  Robert Nelson offered to get a bid for fence repair/rebuilding from Cory Hornick.  The first letter has been sent to Tyler Siebert and Sarah Prinsen regarding the concerns from the board and the Jacksons.  There was no formal response from Siebert or Prinsen.  After further discussion, the board deemed the next course of action should come from our attorney, Paul Mahler.  Clerk will forward the copies of letters, pictures of the fence line, bid from Hornick and board’s approval to take further action on this matter as he recommends.  The matter will be brought to the next regular meeting for further consideration or action.

Phil discussed highway maintenance.

No public comment given.

Sharon Masek from Superior Silica Sands gave an update on their company and any operations planned for this year.  She also told the Board that she had submitted her letter of retirement as of July 31, 2020.

Bills were review for payment.  Motion was made to approve all by Brad Wolf, second by Maynard Hoff.  Motion carried.

Next meeting date was set for April 21, 2020 – Regular meeting at 6:30 PM, followed by the Annual Meeting.

Jodene discussed the need for a new computer that will be more compatible with the county programs during tax time.

Fire Dept meeting is set for April 13th.  Dallas Ambulance meeting is set for April 15th.

Maynard signed the Synergy documents and Goins property request.

Motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk