The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff on Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 5:30 PM with all board members present. Also present was Brian Keppen.
Minutes were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve the minutes of the January 2024 meeting as made by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried,
Treasurer, Jodene Nelson gave the financial update on checking and CD balances. motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards to accept the report as presented. motion cried. Jodene also discussed several issues she has had during this tax receipt time. Most frustrating is the use of the new Barron County tax program, is payment received that include dog licenses, gravel service with the tax payment on one check.. More thoughts will be given on how to address this before next season.
Phil Hoff gave an update on highway maintenance. He reported that the broom attachment was ordered and is expected in approximately 6 weeks. He noted that he continues to cut trees and doing ditch maintenance. Board discussed bridge inspections. Maynard will contact Mark Servi on this matter and get quotes.
Public comment: Chuck asked a question regarding obtaining picnic licenses for potential gatherings at the shooting range that is being considered at the Robert Nelson property. Clerk Fall was able to give him answers on how that would work.
No Family House report
Bills were presented for review. Discussion followed on an invoice from Wohlk Heating. This was incurred as Mr Wohlk was called to the hall for a service to the furnace. It was determined that the sensors were not working correctly and the fuel had run out. Board considered that Synergy Coop was negligent and this bill should be forwarded to the Synergy office for consideration. Motion was made by Brad Wolf second by Chuck Richards to pay the bills as presented excluding the Wohlk bill. Motion carried.
Next meeting was set for Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 5:30 PM. Audit of the financial records will be held prior to the regular meeting.
Clerk Fall presented a letter from Waste Management regarding road bans that may be enforced due to the unusually warm winter. Board determined that they will not prohibit the use of town roads for their garbage pickup. Waste Management will be asked to refrain from traveling on town roads that do not have any service scheduled. Town Board members also discussed the use of Town of Arland roads by the City of Chetek sanitation trucks as they travel to the Barron Incinerator to refrain from traveling on Town of Arland roads instead..they should only travel on county roads.
Wisconsin Towns Association district meetings are scheduled again for this area. Board members considered the meeting date of April 6, 2024 at Rice Lake – Turtle Back Golf Course, and they will make a final decision at the March board meeting.
Motion to adjourn was made by Brad Wolf second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.
Pamela Y Fall, Clerk