
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff, on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM. All board members were present.

Clerk Fall presented the minutes of the June meeting. Motion Mae by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf to approve. Motion carried.

Treasurer report showed a balance in the general checking account of $367,868.29. ARPA savings balance – $63,422.91. Two CDs totaling $400,000.00. Motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards to accept the report as given. Motion carried. Board discussed current balance and possible investment. Motion was made by Maynard Hoff and second by Chuck Richards to invest $250,000. into another CD for 15 months at 4.4% APY. Motion carried.

Scott Schefelbein, Town Assessor was present to review current assessment concerns. he requested that the Town Clerk or Treasurer notify him of any general building permits each month that they have issued. Discussion followed. Board is pleased with the work Scott has been doing and will continue to represent the Town of Arland. He will provider a renewal contract.

Phil gave a brief update on highway maintenance and recent equipment he has purchased.

No public comment

Board reviewed the new proposed Fee Schedule. Discussion followed. Motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards to approve. Motion carried

Bills were presented for review. Discussion followed. Motion to approve all for payment by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richard. Motion carried

Next regular meeting was set for Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM, immediately following the Board of Review which is scheduled the same day from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.

No correspondence

Brief update on the Family House from Autumn Hoff.

Motion made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk