
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff.  All board members were present as well as six other guests/residents.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall, with a motion to approve by Brad Wolf/Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.  She also gave the treasurer’s update, showing a balance of $411,381.47 in the general account.  Motion was made to accept by Hoff/Wolf.  Motion carried.

Maynard discussed the estimates that had been received from the Barron Co. Hwy. Dept. for projects in the Town of Arland:  1-1/2 miles on 10-1/2 Ave. from 10-1/2 St. to 12th St. @ $200,000 est.  Also 1/2 mile on 7th Ave. from 7-1/2 St. to the Hay River bridge @ $90,000 est.  Discussion followed – motion by Nelson/Wolf to authorize Maynard to make the necessary agreements with the County to do the work proposed this year.  Motion carried.  Phil gave an update on maintenance he has been doing on 11-1/2 Ave. and other patching.

Sharon Masek from Superior Silica Sands gave an update on the work being done at the various mine sites as well as completion of the paving on 8th Avenue.  She discussed the coordination that will be required for trucking while the County is working on Cty. Hwy. P through the summer.  She noted that there may be alternate routes for the trucks on certain days.  They will work closely with the County Hwy. Dept.

Board of Review is set for Thursday, June 11h – Open Book is 5 – 7 PM, and Board of Review is 7 – 9 PM.  The notices will be sent and listed in the paper.  Next meeting will be Tuesday, June 9th at 8 PM.  Maynard will be on lunch.

There was no public comment.

We discussed purchasing more tables for the hall.  The old tables can be used to rent out.

Bills were presented for consideration.  Motion to approve all for payment by Nelson/Hoff.  Motion carried.

Sharon noted that the retirement party for Jim Walker was changed to May 28th 4 – 8 at Clickers.  She also gave an update on the Highway P pre-construction meeting that was held recently.

Pam reported that the website is being updated with all the town ordinances and other documents – by the firm that originally set up the site – Breiland Computer Service.

Motion to adjourn by Nelson/Hoff.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)