
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff on June 07, 2012 at 8:00 PM at the town hall.  All board members were present, along with town patrol operator Jason Bruder and several residents and guests. 

The minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  Motion to approve by Nelson/Degerman.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Jodene Nelson presented a financial update.  Motion to accept by Degerman/Hoff.  Motion carried.

Jason gave a highway maintenance update on work being done on the project with Barron County Highway at 8th St. and 10th Ave.  He also discussed upgrades on truck and mower equipment.  Board recommended that he get more information and prices on tires.  He also reported that the mailboxes had been moved on 8th and 10th.  Barron County will be entering into a contract with Aaron Grant for sand on this project.

Jim Walker, Superior Silica Sands representative, gave an update on the work being done and anticipated projects.  They are waiting for the final approval at the county Board of Adjustments.  They hope to be in production by November and anticipate forty jobs at the drying plant.  SSS will continue to update the Town of Arland at future meetings.  Jim addressed some questions from the residents.

Matt Torgerson from Midwest Frac was available to discuss his current operation on the Middendorp property.  They anticipate constructing a 32 X 36 building which will house electric and possibly offices later.  They expect to shut down 7th Street for approximately one week.  He will continue to update the board as well.

The non-metallic mining ordinance was discussed.  Maynard pointed out the few changes that were needed.  Board reviewed and discussed.  Clerk should contact the Prairie Fram town clerk for a copy of their ordinance.  Maynard will contact Terry Dunst, attorney for the Town of Arland, to make any adjustments.  This ordinance should be available for discussion and potential approval at the next meeting.

Public comment:  Vickie Bown appreciated the work that the Board was doing on the ordinance process and hopeful approval.

The bills were presented for approval.  Motion to approve by Hoff/Degerman.  Motion carried.

Next meeting is set for July 10, 2012.

Motion to adjourn by Hoff/Degerman.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)

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