The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff on Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 at 8 PM. All board members were present along with six residents and guests. The minutes of the October meeting were presented by Clerk Fall, with a motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried. Jodene Nelson gave the Treasurer’s update, showing a balance in the general fund of $300,303.31. A motion to approve was made by Hoff, second by Wolf. Motion carried. Jodene presented suggestions for the tax letter. Board concurred with her recommendations.
Highway maintenance update was given by Phil Hoff, Town Patrol Operator. He discussed prioritizing a road work plan after the drive-around with the board. He also pointed out several culverts needing to be replaced by next spring. Phil updated the board on the snowplowing which had been done recently. A concern was noted about residents who are plowing their driveways across town roads. Suggestion made that they should be personally contacted. Jodene will put a comment in the tax letter as a reminder of this hazard.
Sharon Masek gave an update from Superior Silica Sands, noting the work that is being done at the wet and dry plants. The cold weather was a setback on the completiuon of the new plant, but they are hopeful for a December 10th start-up date.
No public comment.
Quotes were presented on lighting for the shop and hall, as well as window replacement at the shop. Motion and second to do windows that are not covered now and the rest in the spring. Motion carried. A second motion was made with second to do Focus on Energy bids for the shop and hall. Motion carried.
Bills were reviewed. Motion to pay as presented by Hoff, second by Wolf. Motion carried.
Next meeting is scheduled for December 9th at 8 PM. This will include closed session for the employment contract for Phil Hoff.
Meeting was adjourned.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval)