The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 8 PM. All board members were present, along with Patrol Operator Jason Bruder, representatives from Superior Silica Sands, and several residents.
Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion by Nelson / second by Degerman to approve minutes as ammended (change 1/2 mile to 1/4 mile). Motion carried. Treasurer’s report was given by Jodene Nelson. Motion to accept by Degerman / second by Hoff. Motion carried.
Highway report was given by Jason. He gave an update on equipment maintenance and crack sealing. Approximately six miles were approved.
Jim Walker from Superior Silica Sands was present to discuss the current mining operations, both at the dry plant and the wet plant. He explained the agreement with Barron County on highway maintenance, which also includes Midwest Frac and EOG. County Hwy. P will be built up from the Lundequam corner to Hwy. 8. Greg Clemmons, dry plant manager at Poskin, was introduced. He offered an invitation to the Town of Arland (board and residents) to attend an open house at the dry plant on December 8th at 1:00 PM for tours. Jim gave more information on the work being done at the FLS mine site. He reminded the Board of SSS’s pledge to give the Town of Arland $0.20 / Ton on mined sand.
Matt Torgerson was not available to give any update on Midwest Frac’s mining operation.
Public comment; Julian Nelson discussed road conditions. Other concerns were mentioned by Stephanie Roberts on 8-1/2 Avenue. Additional issues regarding the Midwest Frac site were noted.
The ordinance for extending terms of elected officials was presented and explained by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve by Nelson / second by Degerman. Motion carried.
Bills were presented for payment. Motion to approve by Degerman / second by Nelson. Motion carried.
Next meeting was set for December 10, 2012 at 8 PM.
Meeting was adjourned.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval)