
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff at 7:00 PM.  All board members were present.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall, followed by a motion to approve by Hoff, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.  Treasurer’s update was given by Jodene Nelson, followed by a motion to accept by Robert Nelson, second by Wolf.  Motion carried.  She noted a current balance of $306,699.88, with a reminder of maturing CDs totaling $400,000.00 on June 29, 2016.

Phil gave an update on highway maintenance, noting work being done on 7th St., with culvert and blacktopping to be completed later in the summer.  He noted that he has not received word on the mower as of this date.  Phil also requested the board approval of his renting a skid steer for ditch work, possibly from Duffy’s or Barron Supply.  Board discussed the road work plan for the Town which would include more grinding on 10th St.

Sharon Masek discussed work being done at Superior Silica Sands facilities.  She had given an interview with an Eau Claire reporter, discussing mining in this area.  SSS continues to work on their new products.  Mining is quite slow currently.

Clerk Fall presented a proposal for office furniture.  Discussion followed, with a motion to approve by Hoff, second by Wolf.  Motion carried.

The ordinance that was proposed for the Almena Fire Department was postponed to a later meeting, pending the direction from the Fire Board at their next quarterly meeting.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 14, 2016 at 7 PM.  Board of Review will be set at that meeting.

Motion was made by Wolf and second by Nelson to adjourned.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)