The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order at & PM on Tuesday April 16 2019 by Chairman, Maynard Hoff. All board members were present.
Minutes of the March 2019 meeting were presented by Clerk Fall, followed by a motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was given, showing a balance currently in the general checking account of $185,802.37. Motin to accept was made by Brad Wolf, second by Maynard Hoff. Motion carried.
Oaths of office were taken by all Board Members, and notarized as required.
Bills were presented for payment, motion approve all by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson. Motion carried.
Next regular meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, May 8 2019 at 7:00 PM.
Phil gave a brief update on the highway work being done. He suggested that additional crack sealing should be considered. Board will discuss.
Maynard presented a list of residents and associated fire numbers that he had secured from the zoning office.Annual Meeting following the regular meeting.
Motion was made by Robert Nelson second by Brad Wolf to adjourn. Motion carried.
Pamela Y Fall, Clerk