
The regular meeting of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff on Monday, November 14, 2016 at 7:30 PM.  All board members were present.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall, followed by a motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried. Treasurer, Jodene Nelson presented the Treasurer’s update, followed by a motion to accept by Brad Wolf, second by Maynard Hoff.  Motion carried.  Jodene also shared the tax letter that she had prepared to be included in the statement that will be going out in December.  Consensus by the board with a few minor changes.

Highway report was given by Phil Hoff.  He explained the concerns with the heating system at the shop.  He introduced Vince Wohlk from Wohlk Heating, who presented several options on repair or replacement of the heating system.  The board discussed all options.  A motion was made by Maynard Hoff, second by Robert Nelson to purchase a new unit; an installed, Modine Hanging Heater, bid at $2,481.00.  Motion carried.  Contract was signed by Chairman Hoff.

Superior Silica Sands representative Sharon Masek gave her report with updates on sand hauling.

No public comment was given.

Bills were reviewed.  Motion to approve all for payment by Brad Wolf, second by Maynard Hoff.  Motion carried.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 7:30 PM.

Motion by Nelson, second by Wolf to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk