The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 7:30 PM by Chairman Maynard Hoff, with all board members present.
Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Hoff. Motion carried.
Treasurer Jodene Nelson presented a financial update. Motion to accept by Brad Wolf, second by Nelson. Motion carried.
Highway maintenance update was given by Jason Bruder. He has a stock pile of sand available, discussed the power line that had been hit, the replacement tires on both grader and truck and updated on other blacktopping maintenance. He noted that the new truck may not be ready until late November. Maynard discussed the TRIP application that he had completed, which may give the town approximately $15,000 as a grant toward the asphalt on the 10th Avenue project.
Superior Silica Sands update was made by Sharon Masek. She confirmed that the excavating will be shut down by November 21st. The washing process ended last week. They will be hauling through the winter. SSS is very pleased with the process this year. The dry plant will continue all winter as well. Sales are going well. LP mine reclamation hearing will be on Monday, November 18th. They plan to put in three monitoring wells this next week. All permits have been approved. The LP developers agreement was presented to the board for consideration. Discussion followed. Motion to approve the developers agreement and accept the license application was made by Nelson, second by Wolf. Motion carried. The documents are to be signed by Chairman Hoff, with Clerk Fall to attest.
No Midwest Frac report was given.
Discussion followed on the insurance benefit that the town proposes to give Jason Bruder as part of his benefit package and contract. After lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Hoff, second by Wolf to authorize a $600.00 insurance benefit to Jason. Motion carried. He is to work with his insurance agent and they will meet with Maynard on November 25th to get the coverage established.
No action was taken on the tree removal issue.
No public comment.
Maynard gave an update on the fire meeting. There will be an increase in our dues, and they plan to have another special meeting in November or December. It was requested that “no burning” regulations should be put on the web site as well as a notice to residents in their tax statements. Residents will be required to contact the Barron County Sheriff’s Office and the Almena Fire Chief prior to any burning projects. This excludes small fire pits.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 9th at 8 PM.
Bills were presented for review and payment. Motion to approve by Nelson, second by Wolf. Motion carried.
Motion and second to adjourn. Carried.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval)