
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff on Thursday, December 14, 2023 t 6:30 PM, with all board members present.

Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Discussion followed. Motion made to approve made by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried

Treasurer Nelson gave the financial update. She noted a balance in the general checking account as of Nov. 30th of $248,442.82. She also noted our CDs as follows: $152,595.36 renewed recently for 6 Months at 3.5%, as noted two CDs each $250,000. Both are due in 2024. She also reported that the tax statements were sent out. Motion to accept the report was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.

Phil gave a highway update. He will plan to contact Andy Nelson as his backup for snow removal or highway maintenance. He offered discussion on getting a V-Plow for the grader. Phil will contact John Deere. Discussion followed. Phil will get quotes on sweeper attachment for the truck also as well as information on other equipment.

Public comment:.

Chuck reported that Prairie Farm Sportsman Club will be leasing property for a trap shoot on property owned by Robert nelson. This trap shoot range will be used primarily by Prairie Farm students, but may be opened to other schools. We will hear more information in the future.

No Family House

Bills were presented for consideration. Discussion followed. Motion to approve all for payment was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried

Next meeting was set for Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM

Motion to adjourn made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk