
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order at 8:05 PM, following the annual audit of the financial records.  All board members were present.  The records were found to be in order and were signed by all members of the reviewing board.

Clerk Fall presented the minutes of the February, 2013 meeting.  Motion was made by Nelson, second by Degerman, to approve the minutes as corrected, noting that the roll call for closed session was only for board members Nelson, Degerman, and Hoff.  Motion carried.

Jason Bruder gave a highway maintenance update, discussing recent repairs needed for the truck and also current snowplowing work.  He reported that road bans will be on, effective Monday, March 18th.  Approximately 25 signs will be picked up, authorized and placed during the week of March 18th.  We are following the bans schedule used by the Barron County Highway Department.

Matt Torgerson gave an update on Midwest Frac mining activities.  He answered questions regarding monitoring water.  He reported that his operation will be rewashing the stock pile currently there.  No report was given by Superior Silica Sands.

The Town of Arland Election Board was proposed:  Janet Nelson, Sally Steine, Nancy Nelson, Selmer Nelson, and David Fall.  Motion to approve the reappointment by Nelson, second by Degerman.  Motion approved.  Discussion continued with the hourly rate of pay that the election board members are currently receiving.  Clerk Fall noted the detailed work and requirements that these people perform before and during elections.  Town of Arland is currently paying $7.00/hr., which is very low in comparison to other municipalities.  After consideration, a motion was made by Degerman, second by Hoff, to increase their hourly rate to $10.00.  Motion carried.

Public Comment:  Stephanie Roberts noted her appreciation for the improved condition of their road.  She directed the specific thanks to Jason Bruder for his work.

Information only was presented on consideration for a separate account for any funds that may be received from sand mining operations.  While this is not a requirement for State of Wisconsin filing, it may be a good way to keep records of this income.  Clerk offered to contact other municipalities that are currently receiving these payments and bring information to a future meeting for further discussion.  No action was taken.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 8 PM.  The Town of Arland Annual Meeting will follow at approximately 8:30 PM at the town hall.

Bills were reviewed for payment.  Discussion on the county highway bill.  Motion was made by Hoff, second by Degerman, to pay bills as presented, including a partial payment of $25,000 to the County Highway Department.  Motion carried.

Clerk presented a request from the Bethany Dartball Team to use the town hall for their 2013-2014 league games.  This would begin in October and end in February.  More information will be provided and discussed at a future meeting.

Clerk Fall also discussed the upcoming Spring Election on April 2nd.  Polls will be open from 7 AM until 8 PM.

Motion was made by Maynard Hoff, second by Robert Nelson, to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85 (1)(c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of a public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction and exercises responsibility.  Roll call vote:  Robert Nelson-yes, Dale Degerman-yes, and Maynard Hoff-yes.  Motion to include Tresurer Nelson, Clerk Fall, and Jason Bruder.  Motion carried.

Board returned to open session by a motion from Degerman, second by Nelson.  Motion carried.

No action was taken.

Meeting to adjourn by Hoff, second by Nelson.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)

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