The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff at 8PM on Tuesday, July 10, 2012. The minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Dale Degerman. Motion carried. Treasurer Jodene Nelson gave a financial update. Motion to accept by Degerman, second by Hoff. Motion carried.
Jim Walker, representative of Superior Silica Sands, was present to give an update on their work with the dry plant in Clinton Township, near Poskin. He also gave information on the reclamation plan that has been filed with Barron County. They also plan to dry sand for Midwest Frac. A job fair is planned for August 8th at the Barron High School. They hope to hire 30-40 people with an hourly rate of $17-25 per hour.
Matt Torgerson, representative of Midwest Frac, was also present to give an update on the work that his company is doing on 7th Street (Middendorp property). There has been a delay on the culvert, but the service building is going up. They hope to have the plant up by the first part of August.
Jason gave an update on highway maintenance. After discussion on replacement of tires for the mower tractor, the board concurred that Jason should go ahead with the purchase at $950 ea. from Fram Country Service. He also gave an update on road repairs and patching needs in the township.
The proposed Non-Metallic Operators License Mining Ordinance 2012-1 was presented for discussion and action. Vickie Bown asked if she could be allowed to read a letter regarding the ordinance on behalf of Mike Harvey. Board Chair gave her permission. The ordinance was reviewed and further discussion followed, noting final changes that had been made. An ammendment was offered to change page 3, paragraph 8 to read 1/2 mile (currently stated at 1-1/2 miles) for adjoining land owners by Hoff, second by Degerman. Carried. After final discussion and consideration, a motion was made by Hoff, second by Degerman to approve the ordinance as ammended. Roll call results: Hoff and Degerman voted yes, Nelson abstained. Motion carried. Clerk will post the ordinance summary as required.
Public comment: Stephanie Roberts asked the board to keep in mind all the concerns that the residents have as it pertains to future needs and issues regarding sand mining.
Bills were reviewed and presented for payment. Motion to approve for payment by Hoff, second by Degerman. Motion carried.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 13, 2012 at 8 PM.
Motion to adjourn by Degerman/Nelson. Carried.
Meeting was adjourned.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval)