
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff on December 9, 2015 at 8:00 PM.  All board members were present.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall, with a motion by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf to approve.  Motion carried.  Treasurer, Jodene Nelson gave the financial update.  Motion made by Wolf, second by Nelson to accept.  Motion carried.  Discussion regarding the investment of a portion of the general fund, followed.  Motion to invest $400,000.00 into two (2) 6 month CDs at Sterling Bank was made by Nelson, second by Wolf.  Motion carried.  Jodene also discussed the collection of taxes as the statements had been sent out.

Phil led the discussion the general highway maintenance.  Sharon Masek gave the update from Superior Silica Sands, noting the temporary shutdown of the dry plant here in Arland, however trucks will still be hauling sand to the Poskin Dry Plant.

A reminder was made to send out building permits to Russell Bruder, Jeff Jackson, Josh Peaster and Sarona Bruder.  More discussion on the current Building Inspection Ordinance will be considered at the following meetings.  It was noted that our legal counsel is reviewing our current ordinance and will offer suggestions and explanation for our consideration.

Public Comment; Brad Wolf offered on behalf of Willard Toews concerns regarding the access to his field near the town hall.

Bills were presented for payment.  After review and discussion, a motion was made by Maynard Hoff, second by Wolf to approve for payment.  Motion carried.

Suggestion by the board to get bids for new flooring in the hall.  Clerk Fall will make contact and present at future meeting.

Motion was made to go into closed session pursuant to Section 19.85 (1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes for the purpose of considering employment promotion, compensation or performance data by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf.  Roll call results:  Nelson-yes, Wolf-yes, Hoff-yes.  Motion carried.

Motion was made to come out of closed session by Hoff, second by Wolf.  Motion carried.  Motion was made to approve the 2016 employment contract for Phil Hoff as agreed to in closed session by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson.  Maynard Hoff abstained.  Motion carried.

Next meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2016 at 7:00 PM.  The new time was recommended and will be a trial to see if it is workable.

No further correspondence.

Motion to adjourn by Hoff, second by Nelson.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)