The annual meeting for the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff.
Minutes of the 2015 annual meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion was made by Brad Wolf, with a second by Jodene Nelson to approve. Motion carried.
The financial report for 2015 was presented. Clerk Fall reviewed income and expenses. Discussion followed. Motion to approve by Wolf, second by Cindi Nelson. Motion carried.
Motion to select Sterling Bank of Barron as the working bank for the Town of Arland by Robert Nelson, second by Cindi Nelson. Motion carried.
Fire Board report was presented by Robert. He reviewed the purchase of a new pumper for the fire department. Firemen and board members received a small raise. He also discussed a proposed ordinance which would need to be approved by each township that is represented by the Almena Fire Department. The scope of the ordinance is placing liability on the residents who initiate fires (ie. grass, garbage) that result in calling the department for protection. An initial fee of $1,000 plus fines may be assessed. Each township needs to approve the proposed ordinance before it will be adopted by the Fire Department. This will be considered at future regular board meetings.
Permission is required for any outdoor burning. The Fire Chief should be contacted before burning.
Road maintenance plan for 2016 was presented by Maynard Hoff. Discussion followed, noting recommended order of priority on road work. Recommendation to charge $50 per day for rental of the hot patching box. Motion to approve by Wolf, second by Robert Nelson. Motion carried.
Next year’s annual meeting is set for the third Tuesday (18th) in April, 2017.
No other matters.
Sharon Masek provided information on the Superior Silica Sands mining operations in the Town of Arland. She gave updates on work completed and proposed plans for highway work on County P to be completed. She also discussed the current slow down of sand hauling. Vickie Bown asked about the potential for ditch mowing near First Lutheran Church. Sharon noted that mining will continue at the FLS, LP and Thompson mines. They hope to begin work by late April or early May.
Motion made by Wolf, second by Robert Nelson to adjourn. Motion carried.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval)