The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff on Tuesday, November 09, 2010 at 8 PM. All board members were present, as well as patrol operator Jason Bruder. Also present were Mr. & Mrs. Duane Hanson and Brad Wolf.
Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion by Robert Nelson to approve, second by Maynard Hoff. Motion carried. Treasurer Nelson presented a financial update. Motion by Nelson, second by Dale Degerman to accept report. Motion carried.
Duane Hanson presented a letter requesting approval of a Barron County Subdivision ordinance on a small parcel that was surveyed. This document requires town officer signatures. Motion by Degerman, second by Nelson for approval. Motion carried. Signatures were affixed to the document and given to the Hansons. Clerk Fall will retain a copy for town records.
Jason gave an update on highway maintenance. Board discussed sending him to a training class for the new signage that will be mandated for the township in the future. The class will be held in Eau Claire. Clerk Fall will prepare the check and Jason will call to get signed up for the class.
Maynard reported that the PASER report had been completed and sent in. It is due by December 15th each year. The TRIP grant has not been completed since the billing from Monarch has not been received. Jason discussed the need to have tires replaced on the grader. After discussion, he was authorized to contact Pomp’s to purchase recaps at $769.00 ea. He also requested authorization to purchase additional tools to carry on the grader/truck. Motion was made, seconded, and approved to authorize these purchases.
Board reviewed Jason’s employment contract. The 90-day review, effective 11/01/2010, will reflect an increase in wages and benefit provisions for health insurance and retirement. Insurance options were discussed. Jason had contacted an insurance agency with several options. After lengthy discussion, Jason and Maynard agreed to meet to select the best offer for presentation at the December meeting. Retirement contributions will start with the December payroll. Motion by Degerman, second by Nelson to approve the contract for Jason Bruder, with the understanding that an insurance policy would be agreed upon at the next meeting. Motion carried.
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 8 PM. Meeting adjourned.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk