
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff on Thursday, December 8, 2011 at 8 PM.  All board members were present, along with patrol operator Jason Bruder and several residents.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  Motion to approve by Nelson/Degerman.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Jodene Nelson gave a financial update.  Motion to accept by Degerman/Hoff.  Motion carried.

Jodene discussed a request by the county to transmit taxes electronically.  Discussion followed.  She will look into technical support to determine what is needed to set up for electronic tax submission.  More information at next meeting.

Board discussed investing in the machinery fund.  Motion by Nelson to purchase a $45,000 CD at Sterling Bank, second by Degerman.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Nelson & Clerk Fall will take care of the short term investment.  Board also discussed a $35,000 prepayment to Barron County Highway for anticipated work in 2012.  Motion to approve prepayment by Nelson/Degerman.  Motion carried.

Jason gave a highway report on snow removal and equipment needs.  No action taken.

Clerk reviewed the proposal from Command Central to swap one Insight voting machine for two Edge touch-screen machines.  Discussion followed.  Motion to approve the exchange, with no additional costs incurred, by Nelson/Hoff.  Motion carried.

The appointment of election board was presented for approval.  Those named as Town of Arland Election Board:  Janet Nelson, Nancy Nelson, Sally Steine, Selmer Nelson, and Dave Fall.  Also named were Kathy Binford and Sonja Schaaf as Special Registration replique montre Deputies at the Prairie Farm School, contingent on training completion.  Motion to approve the list by Nelson/Degerman.  Motion carried.

Motion to table the approval of a grievance policy until the January meeting.  Motion carried.

Information on a sand mining conference was presented.  This will be held on January 12th at the Plaza in Eau Claire.  Early registration is recommended.

Mike Harvey presented a proposal for a subcommittee for the purpose of preparing a non-metallic mining ordinance.  Discussion followed.  The following names were recommended to the Board:  Vicki Bown, Brian Severson, Joan Bader, Sharon Bader, Mike Harvey, Stephanie Roberts.  Chairman Maynard Hoff volunteered to serve as well.  Motion by Hoff, second by Degerman to approve the formation of this subcommittee with these representatives.

Bills were presented for payment.  Motion by Degerman/Nelson to approve.  Motion carried.

Suggestion to consider supplying residents with refrigerator magnets with town information on them to help people make contact for needed services.  Clerk will look into this.

Next meeting will be Thursday, January 12th.

Motion and second to adjourn.  Carried.

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)

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