
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 8 PM.  All board members were present.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  Motion to approve by Wolf/Nelson.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Jodene Nelson gave a financial update.  Motion to accept by Nelson/Hoff.  Motion carried.  Jason Bruder, highway operator for the Town, gave a maintenance update on road work.  He has been working with Russ Marske from Barron Co. Highway on culverts and other maintenance due to heavy rains. 

Roof repair to the town hall was discussed.  Two quotes for replacement were presented by Chairman Hoff.  Walsberger quote –
$10,800, Jerid Hoff Construction quote  – $11,400.  After further discussion, a motion was made by Robert Nelson to accept the quote and proposal from Walsberger Construction, second by Hoff.  Motion carried.

Public Comment:  Julian Nelson expressed concerns on the crossing by Midwest Frac operation on 7th St.  Vicki Bown asked if or when 8th Ave. by the church would be opened for travel.  Julie George also was concerned about road repair, specifically the pot holes.

Clyde Baier from Superior Silica Sands gave an update on their operation.  He answered questions regarding run-off issues.  They have worked with the DNR to correct them.  No report from Midwest Frac.

Bills were presented for review and payment.  After review, motion was made by Nelson/Wolf to pay as presented.  Motion carried.

Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 12, 2013 at 8 PM at the town hall.

No correspondence was presented.

Motion and second to adjourn by Nelson/Wolf.  Carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk

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