
The annual meeting of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff at 8:45 PM on Monday, April 14th, 2014 with twenty residents in attendance.

Minutes of the 2013 annual meeting were presented by Clerk Fall with a motion to approve by Stephanie Roberts, second by Jodene Nelson.  Motion carried.  The 2013 financial report was also presented for review.  Discussion followed with a motion to accept by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.

Fire board report was given by Robert Nelson, noting equipment being purchased by the fire department and that dues will be going up.  He also reported there would be wage increases.  There were six fire calls for the Town of Arland.

The working bank for the Town of Arland was discussed with a motion by Robert Nelson, second by Stephanie Roberts to continue with Sterling Bank as the official working bank.  Motion carried.

Open forum:

-Discussion on replacement of highway maintenance person

-Further review of Jason Bruder’s letter of resignation

-Need for an employee handbook

-Consideration of contract proposal from Greg’s Excavating to do town maintenance

Motion was made by Stephanie Roberts with a second by Robert Nelson to review and refine the job description for our current highway maintenance position, as well as prepare a handbook for such position.  Motion carried.

Motion was made by Robert Nelson with a second by Brad Wolf to contact Greg Rayment for a proposal.  Motion carried.  If possible, Greg could attend a future meeting and give estimates and suggestions of his crew’s services.

Discussion on maintenance of hall.  Several issues need to be addressed.  Motion made by Jodene Nelson with a second by Pam Fall to seek qualified individuals to complete the needed work.  Motion carried.

Noted that more new tables will be needed soon.

Next annual meeting is scheduled for April 13 (second Monday), 2015.

Motion to adjourn by Nelson, second by Wolf.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)