

The Town of Arland Caucus was called to order.  Motion and second was made to appoint Maynard Hoff to chair the Caucus.

Chairman Hoff opened the nominations for Chairman.  Maynard Hoff was nominated. A motion was made and seconded to close the nominations.  Motion carried.

Chairman Hoff opened the nominations for 1st Supervisor.  Robert Nelson declined to run another term.  Chuck Richards was nominated.  Motion and second was made to close the nominations.  Motion carried.

Chairman Hoff opened the nominations for 2nd Supervisor.  Brad Wolf was nominated.  Motion and second was made to close the nominations.  Motion carried.

Chairman Hoff opened the nominations for Treasurer.  Jodene Nelson was nominated.  Motion and second was made to close the nominations.  Motion carried.

Chairman Hoff opened the nominations for Clerk.  Pam Fall was nominated. Motion and second was made to close the nominations.  Motion carried.

Motion by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson to close the Caucus.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk


The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff, with all board members present.

Minutes of the December 2020 meeting were presented by Clerk Fall, followed by a motion to approve by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.

Treasurer, Jodene Nelson presented the financial update, followed by a motion to accept by Maynard Hoff, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.  Jodene reported that a new CD was purchased at Sterling Bank in Barron on December 30, 2020 in the amount of $250,000.- 6 month term – maturity in June 2021.  Our other CD was automatically renewed for another 1-year term – balance of $313,240.10.  Jodene also reported on tax collection for December and January to date.

Phil gave a highway report, updating the board on snow plowing and other maintenance.  Discussion was given to the matter on Helene Rhodes driveway.  A requests has been made to add 1/4 mile to Town of Arland responsibility.  Maynard is working with Dan Featherly to complete this change.

Clerk Fall presented the report for the Building Inspector on inspections he has completed for December.

Phil Hoff’s employment contract was presented to the board for consideration.  Discussion followed.  Motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson to increase Phil’s salary to $21.00/hour, leaving all other benefits the same for 2021.  This is a 1-year contract.  Motion carried.

Bills were presented for review.  Motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson to approve all for payment.  Motion carried.

Next meeting date was set for Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 6:30 PM.

Motion was made to adjourn by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson. Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk