The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff, with all board members present.
Clerk Fall presented the minutes from the previous meeting, followed by a motion to approve by Brad Wolf, second by Robert Nelson. Motion carried.
Treasurer, Jodene Nelson presented the financial update, followed by a motion to accept by Robert Nelson, second by Brad wolf. Motion carried. She noted a current balance in the general checking account of $492,673.92.
Phil Hoff presented a highway maintenance and equipment report. Board discussed and concurred that the trucks should be taken in for servicing. Phil also gave update that work is being done on 7 1/2 St and the 6 1/2 Ave work was completed for the year.
Sharon Masek presented an update from Superior Silica Sands. She noted that mining was complete for this fall at FLS, still have some backfilling to do
Public comment;
Larry McGlumphy from Northern Industrial Sands discussed getting rail in area. He is working with communities along Highway 8.
Bills were presented for consideration. Motion to approve all for payment was made by Maynard Hoff, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried
Next meeting date was set for November 12, 2019; Regular meeting will be at 7:00 PM, followed by the Budget Hearing and Special Meeting to set the Tax Levy.
No correspondence.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
Pamela Y Fall, Clerk