
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff at 6:30 PM with all board members present.

Clerk Fall presented the minutes of the January 2021 regular meeting, followed by a motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.

Treasurer, Jodene Nelson presented the financial update.  Motion was made by Brad Wolf to accept, second by Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.  Current balance in the general checking is $131,357.09.  Jodene discussed the collection of taxes.  She noted that she is still having trouble with amounts that Superior Silica Sands send for tax payment.

Clerk Fall discussed the need for a new laptop computer for the Town Office.  She will bring proposals and costs to the next meeting for consideration.  She also noted that the board will need to complete the financial audit at the March meeting.

Phil gave a brief highway update.

Board discussed the 8th street matter.  Matt Shilts will provide a certified map.  Maynard will submit the application to the state which will legally provide Town of Arland with maintenance responsibility for 8th Street…from 8th Ave to Rhodes north property line.  Property numbers/owners included – Fire number 753 – Rhodes and #759 – Mininger.  Motion to approve this actions made by Robert Nelson, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.

No public comment.

Bills were presented for consideration.  Motion was made by Maynard Hoff to approve all for payment, second by Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.

Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 11, 2021.  Audit will be at 6:00 PM followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 PM.

Motion to adjourn by Brad Wolf, second by Maynard Hoff.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk