
The regular meeting of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff on Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 8 PM.  All board members were present.  Also present was Victor Keller, town patrol operator and two residents.

Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  Motion to approve by Hoff, second by Degerman.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Jodene Nelson presented an update on the financials.  Motion to accept by Degerman, second by R. Nelson.  Motion carried.

Vic Keller gave an update on highway maintenance.  He reported that a large amount of salting/sanding was required over the holidays.  He also presented brochures on replacing the front-end plow.  This matter had been discussed previously.  After lengthy discussion, Nelson moved to authorize Keller to purchase the necessary equipment from McKenzie – estimate amount of $6,195.00, second by Degerman.  Motion carried.

Election board names were presented by Clerk Fall for approval.  Those agreed on are:  Sally Steine, Nancy Nelson, Janet Nelson, Selmer Nelson, Ida Peterson, and Dave Fall.  Motion to approve by Hoff, second by Nelson.   Motion carried.

Clerk Fall reminded the board that the contract for Keller needs to be reviewed and approved at the February meeting.  Information will be available for discussion at that time. 

Mike Harvey presented an update on the sand mining issue as it relates to the Town of Howard.  A judge ruled that the town had exceeded their authority and dismissed the ordinance which had been approved.  Chippewa County is going to work with the Town of Howard to rework the ordinance.  We will wait to see what they present.

The board discussed the recommended county-wide assessment propsal by the state.  WTA has recommended to not support this proposal.  More discussion at the next meeting.  The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 8th at 8 PM.  We will do the annual audit of the financial records.

The board reviewed the bills that were presented.  Motion by Nelson, second by Hoff to approve for payment.  Motion caried.

Motion and second to adjourn.  Carried. 

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

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