
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff, with all members present.  The minutes of the June meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  Motion to approve was made by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.

Treasurer, Jodene Nelson presented the financial update.  Discussion followed.  She noted a general checking account balance of $296,928.73, ARPA savings balance of $79,380.40, two CDs totaling approximately $513,690.  She also noted that the Tax Account has been closed.  Motion to accept the report as presented by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards.  Motion carried.

Phil gave an update on highway maintenance.  He presented a bid from Fahrner for bridge decking -2 bridges – $50,494.08.  He also presented a bid from Fahrner board reviewed the proposed roads/bridge that had been previous recommended for maintenance by Phil.  Motion was made to accept the bids as proposed, by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards.  Motion carried.

Phil gave a brief update on the Family House renovation.  There has been trouble with the well and other issues with construction.  They hope to hold a “back to school” event.

Bills were presented for review.  Motion to approve all for payment by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards.  Discussion followed.  Motion carried.

Board approved allowing Remington Hoff to cut lawn for the Town.

No public comment.

Next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 6:30 PM.

Motion to adjourn by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk