
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff at 7:00 PM on February 8, 2016.  All board members were present.  Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  A motion to approve was made by Brad Wolf, second by Hoff.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Jodene Nelson gave the financial update.  Motion was made to accept by Wolf, second by Robert Nelson.  Motion carried.  She also noted that there were two unpaid property tax bills, and one gravel & culvert invoice.

Phil Hoff gave the highway maintenance update.  He discussed snow removal and regular truck maintenance.  Board discussed options for Phil to purchase additional equipment as needed.

Sharon Masek from Superior Silica Sands gave an update on the work being done at the dry plants and current hauling activity.  She presented the “Health Assessment of Industrial Sand Mining in Western Wisconsin”.  Discussion followed.

Terry Dunst, attorney for the Town of Arland, was present to discuss the current Building Inspection Ordinance and consideration for an amended ordinance.  After discussion, motion was made by Nelson, second by Wolf to have our attorney draft a new ordinance to strike two paragraphs in the current ordinance.  Motion carried.  The Board will consider the new ordinance at the next meeting.
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No public comment.  Bills were presented for payment.  Motion to approve all by Nelson, second by Wolf.  Motion carried.  The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 14, 2016 at 7:oo PM.  The annual financial audit will be held at that time, followed by the regular meeting.

The following election board members were recommended by Clerk Fall for the coming year:  Janet Nelson, Nancy Nelson, Cindi Nelson, Deb Scribner, Sally Steine, Dave Fall.  Motion to approve was made by Nelson, second by Wolf.  Motion carried.

Board members will plan to attend the 2016 WTA district meeting at Cumberland.
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Motion was made with second to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)