The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Supervisor Robert Nelson. Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve by Brad Wolf, second by Nelson. Motion carried. Treasurer Jodene Nelson gave a financial update. Motion to approve by Wolf, second by Nelson. Motion carried.
Highway maintenance report was given by Jason Bruder, noting the recent issues with the new truck. There have been several issues and he is working with the Monroe/River States people to correct them. He also noted the problems caused by the recent snow storms and icy roads. Discussion followed. Board discussed the payment of the final amount to Monroe. Consensus was to pay only a portion of the bill ($35,000) and make final payment when the truck is cleared and working properly.
Extreme Tree Service is currently working in the Dority Creek area and clearing trees. Board is very satisfied with their work. Jason discussed being gone for a week beginning December 14th. He recommended that we ask Rod Warner to fill in. Other suggestions were to ask someone that is laid off or is working for Greg’s Excavating to fill in if needed. Robert and Jason will work on this and consider any possibilities.
Maynard Hoff arrived and assumed his duty as Chairman to continue the meeting. Superior Silica Sands representative Sharon Masek gave an update on the work being done at the new LP site. Snowmobile/ATV trails were discussed, as SSS is willing to work with these clubs. Brian Severson was present to discuss the responsibility that his club will assume for signing. Sharon also discussed the hearing that was held recently for LP. Matt Torgerson of Midwest Frac gave an update. They have completed the road work on 8th Ave. They still plan to remove the Middendorp house in the spring.
The employment contract for Jason Bruder was presented. The board reviewed the contract with Jason and all agreed on the terms – including the insurance allotment that will be made for him as a family plan – $600.00 per month. There will be an automatic deduction directly from the town’s account to the insurance company each month for payment of Jason and Alicia’s policy premium.
Brian Severson discussed his ATM/Snowmobile club’s request to open trails through the township. Board agreed that we supported this and that signage was their responsibility. No action was taken as the board had agreed to this with other clubs.
Machinery Fund was discussed. Board agreed to invest $30,000 into a 6-month CD at the Sterling Bank. Bills were presented for payment. Motion to approve by Nelson, second by Wolf. Motion carried.
No public comment.
WI Towns Assoc. meeting update was given by Robert. Discussed a proposal for a Specialized Traffic Petition. A 5-yr. plan would cost the Town of Arland approximately $3-4.000 per year. No action taken. No support was given.
Next meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2014 at 8 PM.
PACER report has been sent in.
Motion to adjourn. Carried.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval)