The Board of the Town of Arland met in regular session on Monday, August 12, 2013 at 8 PM. All board members were present as well as patrol operator Jason Bruder and 18 residents and visitors. Minutes of the July 2013 meeting were read by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve by Nelson/Wolf – motion carried. Treasurer Jodene Nelson gave a financial update. Motion to accept by Nelson/Hoff – motion carried.
Highway maintenance update was given by Jason Bruder. He presented information on the new truck being purchased from River States, stating that it is in and a payment of $41,119 will be due before further work is done. Maynard agreed to deliver the check. Estimated completion of the truck is sometime in October. He also discussed some concerns on warranty for the grader, asking that the board consider requesting an extension on this before the end of September. He presented quotes for overlay on 10-1/2 Avenue – from Monarch Paving and Barron County. Both quotes were estimated between $19,000 and $20,000. After discussion, motion to accept the Monarch proposal for approximately 1/4 mile (by the Roemhild property) by Maynard Hoff, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried.
Jim Walker and several representatives from Superior Silica Sands were present at the meeting. Jim gave an update on the work being completed at the FLS mine and plans for work at the LP mine site. Sharon Masek shared information on the needed access road to 7th Avenue. Jim explained the proposed rebuilding of 7th Avenue. A road plan would be needed, as well as permits for this new operation. Legal advice will be requested to complete this plan and brought back to the board for any needed action. There will be an amended reclamation plan needed for the LP site. Jim advised that there will not be a need for shoreland rezoning at the FLS site.
Matt Torgerson from Midwest Frac was present to discuss current operations at his site. He felt that it was going well, and discussed the cement pads that were put into place. He is planning to upgrade 8th Avenue, hopefully by October.
Matt Shilts, surveyor, presented a request to approve the subdivision ordinance between Russell and Brandon Bruder. The building permits were in order. The document was signed by Maynard Hoff with consensus by the board.
Public comment: Vicki Bown asked Superior Silica representatives to explain the fines from the DNR recently and if the town had been notified in a timely manner, and for results of corrections made.
Bills were presented for review. Following discussion, motion to approve as presented by Nelson/Wolf. Motion carried.
Next meeting was set for September 9th, 2013.
Motion was made by Maynard Hoff to go into closed session pursuant to Section 19.85 (1) (c) of the Wisconsin statutes for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance data, second by Brad Wolf. Roll call followed with Hoff voting yes, Nelson voting yes, and Wolf voting yes – to include Treasurer Jodene Nelson and Clerk Pam Fall.
Board returned to open session by a motion from Nelson, second by Wolf. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Hoff/Wolf. Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned.
(Minutes subject to approval)
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk