
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman Maynard Hoff.  All board members were present, as well as patrol officer Jason Bruder, Barron County Administrator Jeff French, and many residents/guests.

The minutes of the April regular meeting were read by Clerk Fall.  Motion to approve by Nelson/Degerman.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Jodene Nelson presented the financial update.  Motion to accept by Degerman/Hoff.  Motion carried.

Bud Lindemer was present to discuss an ATV proposal and request to the board.  Discussion followed on opening the town roads to ATV/UTV users as long as they were properly signed.  There would be no liability to the town, but approval would make it legal to get to the trails.  Residents using this privilege would be responsible to get the signage up.  Motion to approve by Hoff/Degerman.  Motion carried.  Clerk will notice this in the paper and notify the sheriff and DNR also. 

Jeff French, Barron County Administrator, was present to bring information about current sand mining activity in the county.  He gave good background information on this controversial issue, and answered several questions.  A long discussion followed.  Suggestions were made to have a sand mining representative and our assessor at a future meeting to answer questions and concerns.

Jason gave an update on highway maintenance.  Board is continuing discussion of road work on 8th Street.  Estimated costs for sand lifting were presented.  More specific figures will be presented at the next meeting.  Jason will do blacktop patching as soon as temperatures allow.  He expressed concern for sign posts that have been stolen or snapped off.  Board discussed options.  Consensus was to go ahead with steel replacements.  Roof repairs on the town hall were discussed.  Estimated costs were $350.00.  Jason will get supplies to replace the ridge cap.

No formal road plan was adopted.  Maynard and Jason will continue to work on this and present to board for approval.

Board of Review has been set for June 6, 2011.  Open book will be held from 5 to 7 PM, with Board of Review to follow from 7 to 9 PM.  Clerk will post ad in paper.

Building inspector position was discussed.  Ther have been no other candidates.  Motion to contract with Lee Fochs was made by Nelson/Degerman.  Motion approved.  Clerk will notify Mr. Fochs to get the contract completed.

Next meeting will be held on June 6, 2011 at 9:00 PM, immediately following the Board of Review.

Board instructed the treasurer and clerk to go ahead and renew the maturing CD for a 12-month term at the best rate available at approved banks.

Public comment;  Danny Bown asked if plans had been made to repair the 7th Avenue area that is now graveled.  Vickie Bown presented information on conflict of interest and asked about considering the developers agreement that had been mentioned earlier by the administrator.

Bills were presented.  Board reviewed them as presented.  Motion to approve by Nelson/Degerman.  Motion carried. 

Motion to adjourn by Degerman/Hoff.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval).

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