
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM, with all board members present.

Minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  Discussion followed. Motion was made to approve minutes as presented by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried.

Treasurer Jodene Nelson presented the financial update.  Discussion followed.  The balance in the general checking account as of February 28, 2023 was $536,120.68, CD balance is $250,442.06, ARPA savings $63,391.12.  Motion was made to accept the report as presented by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards.  Motion carried

Greg Hayes, Representatives from Rural Mutual was present to review  the Town’s current insurance coverage.  Discussion followed.  Some corrections and additions were made.  Greg will do the changes and provide an updated copy.  Motion was made by Chuck Richards, second by Maynard Hoff to approve the revisions and updates.  Motion carried.

The financial audit was conducted on the Treasurer and Clerk books.  Motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards to approve the audit as conducted.  Motion carried

Phil Hoff gave a highway update.  Discussion followed on how to deal with residents that are pushing snow across the town roads for their driveways.  Consideration was given to draft a letter siting raw Wisconsin State Statutes that support this restriction.  He noted road bans will be placed on town roads on March 15th.

Bills were reviewed.  Discussion followed.  Motion to approve all for payment by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards.  Motion carried.

Next regular meeting was set for April 18, 2023, beginning at 6:00 PM, with the Annual Meeting to begin at 6:30 PM at 6:30 PM or immediately following the regular meeting.

No correspondence.

No Public Comment

Motion was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Pamela Y Fall, Clerk