
The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff at 8 PM on Dec. 10, 2012.  All board members were present along with patrol operator Jason Bruder, Sharon Masek from Cooper engineering, and several residents.

The minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall.  Motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Dale Degerman.  Motion carried.  Treasurer Jodene Nelson gave a financial update.  She noted that our CD at the Sterling Bank would be due by the end of December.  Motion to accept report by Nelson, second by Maynard Hoff.  Motion carried.

Jason gave a highway update, discussing his busy past few days snowplowing.  He also recommended that we consider having a representative from Fahrner come to a future meeting to talk about crack sealing.  He suggested perhaps February or March.

Sharon Masek from Cooper Engineering was present to give an update on the Superior Silica Sands wet and dry plants.  She noted that approximately 150 people attended the open house at Poskin last Saturday (Dec. 08).  SSS was very pleased with the turnout.  They hope to start having sand delivered and start stockpiling this coming week.

Matt Torgerson from Midwest Frac was not present for the meeting.  It was suggested that he receive a personal invitation.

Public Comment – none.

Sharon presented the request from Superior Silica Sands for consideration to rezone four parcels from Ag 2 to Mineral Reserve.  She went over the maps and diagrams as they affect land owned by David Fall, David Lundequam, Eric Larson, and Phillip Larson.  She explained the process that would follow as it goes from the town board to county zoning, back to the Town of Arland, and finally to the county Board of Adjustments before any final action.  Discussion followed, with questions from residents.

Motion was made by Maynard Hoff to table the request until the January, 2013 meeting, second by Dale Degerman.  Discussion by board followed, with consensus thereby allowing the Town of Arland to seek an opinion on the rezoning from another engineering firm.  This may be contingent on Superior Silica Sands covering any costs associated with the outside opinion.  Further, tabling this issue would allow the Board additional time to study the request and determine any costs.  All information could then be presented at the January meeting.  Motion carried.

Jason Bruder’s employment contract will be considered at the January meeting.  Agenda will include closed session for this purpose.

Next meeting will be January 14, 2013 – Caucus at 8 PM followed by the regular meeting.

Bills were presented for review.  Suggestion to invest $25,000 in a 12-month CD for the machinery fund.  Motion to approve for payment by Nelson, second by Degerman.  Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned. 

Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk

(Minutes subject to approval)

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