
The special hearing for the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff at 8:00 PM on Monday, April 21, 2014.  Purpose was to hear all public comments regarding an application by Superior Silica Sands, LLC for a license to operate a nonmetallic mineral processing plant in the Town of Arland.  Sharon Masek and Jim Walker addressed the request and answered questions from residents.  The plant will be located on the Dan Zemke property on 6th St. and 8th Ave.  The drying plant will process wet sand from local mines, and will operate very similar to the Poskin plant.  Andy Langman was introduced as manager of the plant.  SSS answered questions and concerns about trucks that will be anticipated for this operation.  Construction is expected to begin on May 12th.  After discussion and questions were answered, a motion was made by Robert Nelson with a second by Brad Wolf to close the hearing.  Motion carried.  Chairman Hoff declared the hearing closed.

Chairman Hoff called the special meeting of the board to order.

Motion was made by Nelson with a second by Wolf to accept and approve the application for license made by Superior Silica Sands for the drying plant.  Roll call results:  Wolf-yes.  Nelson-yes.  Hoff-yes.  Motion carried.

Motion was made to accept the developer’s agreement presented by Superior Silica Sands by Nelson with a second by Wolf.  Roll call results:  Wolf-yes.  Nelson-yes.  Hoff-yes.  Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn by Wolf, second by Hoff.  Motion carried.