The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman Maynard Hoff on Monday, August 13, 2012 at 8 PM. All board members were present. Also attending were highway patrol operator Jason Bruder, representatives from Superior Silica Sands and Midwest Frac, along with several town residents.
The minutes of the previous meeting were presented by Clerk Fall. Motion to approve by Robert Nelson, second by Dale Degerman. Motion carried. Treasurer Jodene Nelson presented a financial update. Motion to accept by Degerman, second by Hoff. Motion carried.
Jason gave an update on current highway maintenance, reporting that he recommends repairs to 6-1/2 and 7th Avenues. Board concurred. They also discussed the resale of recycled blacktop to residents. Motion by Nelson, second by Hoff to charge $11/ton for delivered material. Motion approved. No other action was taken.
Superior Silica Sands representatives Jim Walker and Rick Shearer gave an update on the current activities with their company. They were pleased with the turnout of applicants for their job fair at Barron High School…750 applied for 30-40 jobs. They also discussed the ground breaking event at the Clinton Town dry plant site earlier in the day, which approximately 150 people attended. They noted that the rail is on schedule as is plant construction. They will be working with Matt Torgeson (Midwest Frac) this fall and hope to start construction of the wet plant site by late September.
Discussion followed with the Board on the proposed Developers Agreement that SSS has submitted. This has been in review with the town attorney, Terry Dunst. Several items were considered and both parties agreed that a special meeting would be needed to complete the agreement. This meeting is to be set after communication with Mr. Dunst and Sharon Masek from Cooper Engineering – rep for SSS. Proper notice will be given as this will be an open meeting of the town board and Superior Silica Sands.
Matt Torgerson was present to give an update on the work currently going on with Midwest Frac. He offered an opportunity for the town board to tour his facility when it is completed. They are dealing with some issues and delays, but hope to be in full production by Labor Day (early September). Matt discussed the process of recycling water and monitoring wells in the sand mining operation.
Public comment: Mike Harvey posed a question on the clarification of the grandfathering paragraph in Ordinance 2012-1, noting that the exemption wording is vague. Julian asked a question regarding road repair and grading scheduling.
Board discussed signing up for prepaid fuel from Barron Farmers Union and how much to reserve. Motion by Hoff, second by Nelson to reserve 3,000 gals. Motion carried. Form was completed.
Board discussed the proposed Resolution 2012-1 Fee Schedule. Motion by Hoff to approve as presented, second by Degerman. Motion carried.
Review and payment of bills. Motion to approve by Degerman, second by Nelson. Motion carried.
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 8 PM.
Meeting adjourned.
Pamela Y. Fall, Clerk
(Minutes subject to approval).