The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM with all board members present.
Clerk Fall presented the minutes of the previous meeting. Discussion followed. Motion to approve made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.
Treasurer Nelson presented the financial update. She noted a balance in the general checking account as of May 31,2024 at $331,385.12. This included the matured CD deposited into the checking account. She also noted that another CD was maturing on June 28th (approx $50,000+interest) Discussion followed. After discussion of the rates proposed by the Sterling Bank, motion was made by Chuck Richards to approve the report and invest $250,000 into a new CD for 12 months at 5.0%. The June 28th CD would be deposited into the checking. Motion was seconded by Brad Wolf. Motion carried.
Phil Hoff gave the highway/equipment update. He reported a broken door/window at the Scott Roberts home during mowing. Board agreed that Mr Roberts should be contacted and he should secure a replacement cost to present to the Board for reimbursement. Phil also presented quotes on a new truck chassis. More information and discussion will be provided at the next meeting.
Board discussed road maintenance on 11-11 1/2 St, replacing culverts on 7th Ave, pulverizing and blacktopping 6th St in cooperation with Town of Turtle Lake, as well as crack sealing. This is per Phil’s 2024-2025 road work plan. Concrete bids were presented for apron by shop and hall. Motion to accept the bid from Chris Hoff at $11,200 was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.
Board also discussed the bid from Barron County Hwy. for paving the parking lots at $48,250. Motion to approve bid as made by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried.
Vaughn DeRosier was present to discuss the work being considered next to his property on the North side of Cty D – next to the Town Shop. Discussion followed. Board approved getting Matt Shilts Surveyor, to make the necessary survey. Clerk will contact Mr Shilts to have him do the work. He is to contact Chairman Hoff on his availability.
Bills were presented for review. Discussion followed. Motion to pay all as presented was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.
Next meeting is scheduled fo 7:00 PM o Monday, July 8, 2024. This will follow the Board of Review which is scheduled for 5:00 to 7:00 PM that evening.
No Public Comment
No Family House report
No further correspondence
Motion to adjourn was made by Brad Wolf, seconded by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.
Pamela Y Fall, Clerk