The regular meeting of the Board of the Town of Arland was called to order by Chairman, Maynard Hoff at 7:02 PM on Monday, July 8, 2024, with all board members present.
Clerk Fall presented the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion to approve as presented was made by Brad Wolf, second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.
Treasurer Nelson gave the financial update. She noted a balance in the general checking account as of June 30th – $76,248.48. She also reported Town currently owns 3 CDs totaling approximately $750,000. Building permits received for $25.00 fro Prinsen. Discussion followed. Motion to accept made by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf. Moton carried.
Phillip and Linda Johnson were present to request Board approval for rezoning a portion of their farm from AG2 to RR to establish a camp ground. They currently operate a B&B and wish to provide a area for “glamping”. This would be primarily tents. Discussion followed. Motion made by Brad Wolf to approve request/signature on application, second by Maynard Hoff. Motion carried.
Phil gave the update on highway maintenance. He presented 2 new truck proposals/bids from International and Peterbuilt. Board compared the bids. Discussion followed. Brad Wolf made a motion to purchase the International with the Monroe package, second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried. Town of Arland will not be trading in any truck on this purchase. Phil will invite s rep to our next meeting.
Phil suggested a brick pillar around the flag pole. Chuck Richards moved to have Phil get the materials and do the work second by Maynard Hoff. Motion carried.
Chuck Richards suggested getting pest control quotes to replace our service from Plunketts. They will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Bills were presented for review. Motion made to approve all for payment by Chuck Richards, second by Brad Wolf. Motion carried.
Next meeting was set for Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
No Public Comment
No Family House report
No further correspondence.
Motion made to adjourn meeting by Brad Wolf second by Chuck Richards. Motion carried.
Pamela Y Fall, Clerk